Young was hired by Harv Moore
in 1974 as a board operator for the live overnight show from the
Black Ulysses restaurant as well as a Programming Assistant during
Harv's show. He left the station early in 1975 shortly after Harv
left for WYSL in Buffalo.

the Black Ulysses overnight remotes:
was hired in March of '74 to replace Ken
Metzger who was running the board in the studio for Big
Don O'Bryan at the Black Ulysses on 21st and M street. This
was a nightly remote, 2AM to 6AM. Don had a mike and a small mixer
attached to a class A phone line back to the studio in the Parkway
Building. Don did all the voice cuts and I did all the board
show" as Harv put it when he hired me "had to sound
like he (Don) was in the studio", which it did. After a while
I could read Don's mind (although we did have a cue light). Anyhow,
Ken got tired of working the shift, and wanted to try his hand
as a possible air personality in a smaller market. The show then
moved to Lum's which was short lived after some jerk pulled a
gun on Don one night.
I also worked American Top 40
on Sundays. Dan Steele came
in relieved me at noon.
the Morning Show:
my early days, (for me) 'PGC was the greatest place to be employed.
I had Bob Howard calling almost
every morning around 6AM looking for Harv (who was always late
for his shift) and I had to play segue serenade until he got there,
and tried to explain why he wasn't there.
used to do the school lunches for the kids. Heaven help Joanie
(the Redhead) if there was
French bread on the menu. Harv would chase her around the studio,
"ohh..zee French bread"!!-to her screams. Too funny
to watch, but the listeners didn't get to see it. Harv was one
hell of a nice guy, that I can absolutely attest to.
weekdays, he would have me come in and do various things around
the studio / office - record library, mass mailings etc. I was
a student back then and needed the money.
Leaving the station:
Potter had nothing against me, but was looking to make changes
in the station from the get-go. Harv was fired in January '75.
Harv was not about to take direction from him, and THAT was no
secret. Plus he had a fallback deal with Bob
Howard which surprisingly took some time to put together.
I remember the day well. It was snowing like hell, and Potter
entered Harv's office to give him his two weeks notice. Harv said
he new it was coming, but was surprised at the timing. Anyhow,
and I wasn't there, he basically said "I'm outta here now".
remember seeing Harv's office after he had left, and wondered
what else was coming down. Barry Richards had this gig on Channel
20, and Harv and the Redhead
were guests periodically during the transition to Buffalo. Then
he was gone, and Joanie dropped off the map. There was a kind
of real sadness as to what had transpired during my almost one
year there. Morale had plummeted after the sale, and the Mormons
were a disaster. They knew nothing about how to treat people,
or about the radio business.
about a month later, and I was surprised it took that long - Jim
(during his air shift) told me I was out "for economic reasons".
Total BS-but not from him, and I new from his demeanor that it
was total BS. I got my FCC first phone shortly after my tenure,
but my radio career was basically over.
Collins was never a personal friend, but I always felt badly
for him. He was a good guy, even through all the gloom. Sorry
his life ended so needlessly, but it was not unexpected.
the Money Girls:
the Money
Car was very dangerous. They had creeps crossing two or three
lanes of the Beltway trying to get in front of the girls. Judy
told me she was always afraid, and basically slowed down just
to let the people get in front of her to avoid accidents.
did keep up with Judy Golding for
several years, but we lost touch around '80 when she worked for
WTOP-TV. After
'PGC she worked for WKYS and then to 'TOP as a public affairs
reporter. I know she was living with a guy who she later married,
and then they split to the Midwest. Judy was a real nice girl.
thing that's kinda funny, the girl went bananas over the movie
JAWS (1975). She must have seen it six times, and I saw it for
the first time with her, and I remember having to pretend I hadn't
when I took my girlfriend sometime later. Awkward. By the way,
Money Girl, Carla's
last name was Rainey. Columbus
was dating her back then.
I also stayed in touch with Money
Girl, Linda Kelly. Sorry
she's having difficulty.
Spoke to Don O'Bryan when
he was a weather reporter for WJLA TV-7 several times, but have
now lost touch.
now involved with communications for the Government and doing
quite well. But I'll always remember the WPGC days fondly, that
is before the cult management took over.