What a thrill to log on to this web site and see my air check
and some background being published. These truly were the "good
old days" in the 60's...we were teenagers and filled with excitement
as we hit the air on WPGC-FM in its infancy.
WPGC, I hosted a daily live local dance party, 'Wing Ding'
on Channel 20 WDCA, then moved to Richmond for a great 10 year
career there at WRVQ-FM and WLEE-AM not only involved in air
and programming but also in sales and sales promotion. I Developed
a nationally syndicated radio show called 'Rock 'N Roll Roots'
in Richmond from Q94 with great support from John Valentine
and the late Norman Freedlander ("Bob-a-loo") who helped sell
the show to over 140 stations worldwide including Australia
and Japan. It aired from 1977-1982.
the '80's I turned to general management and programming in
markets like Daytona Beach, Lansing, Charleston WV, Kansas City
and Roanoke, VA. In 1996, I was brought back to Washington at
Oldies station, WXTR as co-host of the morning drive show with
legendary soul jock, Bobby Bennett, later becoming Operations
Manager...as well as serving as Director of a broadcasting school
in D.C.
Fredericksburg Oldies station was next for nearly 2 1/2 years
as General Sales Manager and talent for live shows and remotes....in
early 2001, I joined the locally owned and operated Smooth Jazz
and 80's / 90's hits stations in Richmond where I was Operations
and Sales Manager...and had a great time. Thanks for the mentions
and interest!!
Warren Duffy writes:
and I were young kids getting started in the radio biz back
in DC. As I remember, he was at WEAM
when I first heard of him. For a very long time General
Manager, Bob Howard
and I were very aware of Jack's presence in the marketplace
and his great work and secretly we always hoped he would someday
be part of our Good Guy team.
he arrived and quite honestly we didn't know what to do with
him so we gave him the evening show. But as you know, with 'PGC
being a daytimer back then, I didn't even get to do my entire
drivetime show during the winter (we signed off at 4:45PM for
few weeks). So it took a little convincing but Jack came onboard
and he was simply wonderful to work with.
was very professional -- far beyond his years (or mine). He
argued, never disagreed, always made things work for the good
of the station and that was always his first thought. He also
had a terrific promo mind and was constantly bringing famous
recording artists to town for live shows. We teamed up on a
few of them over at the old Arlington Roller Rink - remember?
always had a smile. That's what I remember most about Jack.
He was never down or depressed. He always had something to smile
about. It -- and he -- were infectious. He not only smiled,
he laughed out loud long before the internet. It was a combination
giggle / laugh and many times he laughed so hard he broke into
a cough. He was simply a joy to be around.
went on a vacation to Mexico one year and brought me a beautiful
silver gift back from his trip. In all of my years in broadcasting,
nobody before and nobody since has ever been so thoughtful.
He was a real pioneer. He was a good friend back in the '60's.
I send my condolences to his family and my thanks to God for
knowing - and have the chance to work with - such a great, great

Kingston writes:
believe Jack also worked for a time at W"LEE in Richmond.
to pursue a career in radio, I attended a seminar at the Columbia
School of Broadcasting in the mid 70s, located in the
Air Rights Building in Bethesda. Jack Alix was running the school
at the time, and the guest speaker was Harv
Moore. I learned more in the one hour I spent with the two
of them than I can remember.

Cohen writes:
and I go back to his days at WEEL.
He followed me after I retired "Johnny Sharpe" at
just before Harry Averill started the Red Coats and I went over
the "Big PG".
Later in our careers when I was working with Eliot
Paul ('Paul in the Music Hall') in the advertising business,
we started a subsidiary company called 'Action Attractions'.
We hired Jack to help us run our show promotions business. Our
biggest night was when we booked Neil Diamond right after he
released 'Cherry, Cherry'. By the time he came to play
his date for us, the song was a monster. Jack looked like a
Jack was unique. He was a wonderful promoter. He had a magnificent
grasp of the radio business and he will be missed.

Kaffenberger writes:
am truly sorry to hear of the passing of Jack Alix. I have so
very many fond memories of him, from both WEAM
and WPGC. And also great memories of Cousin
Warren Duffy. Those days of Top 40 Radio were unique and
sad to say, we probably will never see their like again.
I wrote the song "Jingle
Jangle Morning" (written and performed by Bill
Kaffenberger, (c) 2006 by Loving Kindness Music BMI, used by
permission of the author) as an autobiographical song about
my teen years during the late sixties growing up in Northern
course the WPGC Good Guys were a huge part of that time. I really
like that line "we had old Jack Alix and Cousin Duffy
'cause the classical station was way too stuffy." It
really says it all about what those two guys meant to a lot
of us teens, they were a big part of our day, every day !
McCloskey of 98 WRC.com writes:
back when I sent in my self addressed stamp envelope to Jack
Alix in the 60s for an Alix Allies card did
I ever think it would pop up in so many places on this thing
we now know as the Internet.
was a good guy and will be missed. I can still remember driving
from Hyattsville, MD to Fairfax, VA just to help him answer
the request lines at WEEL.
Led Zepplin had just come out with A 'Whole Lotta Love'
and every request was for that song. I believe it was played
once an hour at night.
few years later, when I was in 10th grade and still living at
home, my mother told me I had a phone call...it was Jack. Holy
Crap...Jack Alix was calling me at home! How and why could this
be? He was just starting 'Wing Ding' and needed dancers.
The following week a bunch of us from Northwestern High found
ourselves on a hectic highway known as The Beltway looking for
some small UHF station called WDCA. I was a regular for about
the first year and Jack was always helpful and generous.
last saw him at the Big Daddies reunion held by WXTR. RIP, Jack
and "wo...wo...whip it on em" in radio heaven.

Freeman writes:
just wanted to mention one thing about Jack Alix that few people
remember or even know. Between leaving WEAM
and joining WPGC, Jack did afternoon drive on WYRE
in Annapolis. That was around 1965.
was one of my favorite jocks of all time. He had a rich, great
voice and exciting delivery that were perfect for top-40 radio.
I actually purchased time from him when he was selling for WRVQ
in Richmond. After we did business by phone, he came to my office
at Doner Advertising in Baltimore one day.

Brooks of the British Walkers writes:
grew up in Alexandria, Va and listened to WEAM & WPGC when
Marvelous Marv Brooks and
later Cousin Duffy were
on the air - this was also when Milt
Grant had The Milt Grant Show-Record Hop on
a local TV station.
went on in my teens to become a musician-this was back in the
late 50s when few played electric guitar & Rock N
Roll bands all looked like Fonzie (or worse). We played Jack
Alix Teen Hops from time to time at the Fairfax Elks or VFW
Hall (I think) where WEEL
was located.
gang of Northern VA. thugs, delinquents & other hooligans
that comprised our following that today would so quaintly be
called a posse, first trashed the Hall, ripping
out sinks & demolishing the bathrooms, then climbed the
towers hurling empty beer bottles at the locals and police.
Needless to say, it was Jack who declared, you scum
will never play in Northern Virginia again!
did go on to play in Northern Virginia again when
I played in the British Walkers, a DC band that in the
60s were quite popular. We played many Cousin
Duffy hops & promo appearances at his dances & concerts.
In fact, one of our very brief (only for a couple months) members
during that era, John Hall, pre-Orleans, went on to win the
Congressional race for the 19th Congressional District..
Memory Lane is the only road home.

Vaughn writes:
in Manassas Virginia, from 1958 to 1975, I had the extreme pleasure
of being able to enjoy Jack's show on WPGC. My first contest
win on any radio station occurred with JA the DJ. I won a trivia
question, and got an album. I am now 56, and last year I won
my biggest radio prize... 50'' tv, stereo system, and party
for 50 friends... was indeed great, but that first time was
the most special.
Truly a legend in DC, with me, and I'm sure thousands upon thousand
others. RIP - JA the DJ

Lapidus writes:
earliest memories of listening to the radio are of Jack Alix
on WEEL,
and WPGC! When I would say that in front of him, Jack
would smile proudly, raise his eyebrows, punch me on the arm
and retort that he wasnt that old!
did I know as a kid that years later I would have the thrill
of bringing him back to Washington for a reunion at XTRA
104 of area DJs which we called The Big Daddies
of Washington Radio. After that exceptional weekend,
it was obvious that Jack deserved a place back on the air full-time
in D.C. and thankfully, he accepted it.
spoke fairly often over the years. I caught up with him a few
weeks before his untimely passing and he still had an amazing
passion for radio.
never tired of hearing his stories about all the characters
he worked with, the ratings he won and about his wide collection
of friends.
was one-of-a-kind. I feel that my life was enriched by having
the good fortune of knowing him.

Nicholls writes:
first heard Jack Alix on WLEE in Richmond when he got here in
1972. I noticed the excitement and passion he had came right
thru the radio speaker. I also saw him make Rock & Roll
Roots on WRVQ a popular show as well in 1977 as well as a Dynamic
Emcee for many shows in Richmond as well.
By 1980, I'd been in radio for about two years with less than
spectacular results when I accepted a partime position with
WGOE, Richmond, which had changed formats to Oldies as "GO-16"
under New Manager, Jack Alix. I had told Jack I had been thinking
of leaving radio, and he said "No, don't do it, you
belong in radio." That comment from someone I looked
on at that time as a God convinced me to stay in radio, where
I had later had success.
By 1996 I was working at WMXB in Richmond where Jack came in
as Program Director, and I noticed he had that same youthful
passion fire for radio that he did when I first heard and saw
him in the '70s and saw him demonstrate in 1980.
In 2004, I was hired at WBBT-FM in Richmond where Jack by that
time was a senior account executive, and he hadn't lost any
of his absolute love for the business (by the way, Jack had
the biggest account list at the station . When Jack died in
2006, I was saddened, because I felt that that you would NEVER
see someone ever again who never lost that original passion
for radio he had from the beginning. To Jack, radio was not
just a job, it was an adventure. I know that Jack enjoyed every
minute of it. Rest In Peace, Jack.

Wineman writes:
with three members of my band, The Country Store, was
interviewed by "JA the DJ" on WEEL
in 1968. I still have the tape of him Interviewing us. He even
aired one of our songs! We got to man the phones, and many listeners
called in after he played our recorded song we brought along
(Back In The USSR by The Beatles). A thrill for us. We were
just late High school kids. He was a true early Professional,
and our 'spot'on his show furthered or burgeoning 'careers'as
a hot local dance band.
I was sorry to hear of his passing. His memory lives for all
of us who enjoyed the great music and DJs! He was a great guy,
and we shall always remember him.

got to meet the famous Jack Alix, who was a local DJ in Fredericksburg
several years back. I had remembered Jack from his days as a
regular on the Milt Grant Show
when he & Lorraine made such a wonderful dance couple, although
I understand he married Tincy, another regular, not Lorraine.
When I was 14 back in 1959, several of us who lived out in the
hinterlands of Spotsylvania & Orange Counties drove into
Fredericksburg to a National Guard Armory dance where Milt was
appearing. Jack & Lorraine were there in all their uptown
glory...the perfect teenagers. We thought we were pretty special,
too, but I was pretty much in awe of them.
before the Milt Grant Show
went off the air, Jack made a comment to Milt that was obviously
a cut to the effect that Milt was 'run out of town.' It was
broadcast since this was a live show. Milt just smoothed it
over & went on. Why I remembered this is anyone's guess
but it used to cross my mind.
day JA, the DJ, was at a local dealership show, complete with
hot dogs. I was thrilled to meet him & he filled me in on
his life a little bit. I asked him about the comment to Milt
& he said it was just a blip in their friendship at the
time & he was still in touch with Milt, who was at that
time living in Florida. Now, of course, they are both gone,
but when I ran across this website noting his obit, I had to
share my thoughts about him. He was really a spectacular looking
kid & I hope his children got his looks.