started at WPGC in 1969 using the 'Bob
Peyton' house DJ name.

MacKay writes:
to Leland Powers Broadcasting School in Boston from '59 to '61.....WMEX
was always the choice of us-wanna-be-jocks. Woo Woo Ginsberg was
always a must listen until Jerry Williams came on the air, &
then we would switch over to I believe a Medford station?
gig after school was WTSL, Hanover, NH. where mowing grass &
gardening was all part of my mid-day show. Went from there to
WWRI, West Warwick, RI where I could live at home in Hope Valley,
RI while working nights.
then the draft board was calling so I beat them to the punch and
joined up. Got some great experience during a Korean tour as the
U.S. was looking for people with radio experience so I auditioned
and got transferred to Taigo, Korea with The Armed Forces Network
and for 6 months did an afternoon Top 40 gig.
the Armed Forces was done, got together with my former Leland
Power's roommate, Sandy Beach, who was working at WDRC, Hartford
& he knew of an opening at WADS, Ansonia, CT so went there
as afternoon drive from '64 to '67 while doing part time tv booth
announcing at WNHC, New Haven and weekends at WNHC radio.
of '67 on to WIRL, Peoria for Music Director and afternoon drive
& then sent off an air check to WPGC in early 1969 & GM, Bob Howard wanted me to come into Bladensburg and audition but wanted me
to pay for the airfare. Got him to pay for half of it but that
was a hassle in itself. Program Director, Charlie Shoe didn't want to hire
me as there certainly better talent out there but Bob's cheapness
won out and for $188 a week, he got his new Bob Peyton.
the station plus working with all the great talent, but after
a few incidences with Howard...it
got old real quick! Everyday I would go home for lunch as I just
lived down the road from the station...maybe a three minute drive.
Punch out on the time clock, eat quick & get back to the station
& punch back in but real hard to do in the "allotted
30 minute break" so always running 3 or 4 minutes late. Obviously
pissed off Howard as he would scream at me, "Peyton, Peyton...you are always
a few minutes late!" "I will not tolerate this!!"
Sad thing is that he would always make me "punch out"
after working a 7 hour day, but wanted me to stay & do production
or music duties which I always did because I loved the business.
was probably the worst GM to ever work under, & it wasn't long before I started to make
my feelings known to many of the music reps & they were very
beneficial in getting me in touch with Gene Creasy, PD of WCAO
in Baltimore. Slid my written 2 week notice of departure under
his door & never looked back. Was at WCAO for 7 years going
from all nights to 10p - 2a to Assistant PD under Ron Riley.
1977, my Dad had multiple health issues back in RI & I needed
to be closer to him and family so moved to WLAM, Lewiston, ME.
Too cold!!!! Even on Memorial Day weekend while trying to go to
the beach, we had to lie flat on the sand as it was freezing when
we sat up on the last day of May. Final radio gig was WROV, Roanoke
where I stayed for a couple of years & happy to see Dino
DelGallo take my place.
to Buffalo in 1979 for Infinity Records and after 6 months promoted
to Regional gig in Chicago but of course, Infinity turned out
to be a poor choice of names for a company that would be solvent
for about a year & a half! Then out to Kansas City with a
local promotion job with Atlantic Records. The Atlantic guy that
hired me, Steve Evanoff, moved me back to Chicago in 1980 to become
Regional Secondaries Director & we became fast friends!
both left Atlantic in Sept. 1982 to form Music America Promotions
and had a 20 year run doing Independent music promotion. We moved
the company to KC in 1984 & then bought another promotion
co. in 1986 & Steve moved to Buffalo to facilitate that company
into ours and deal with the record labels as I stayed in KC to
develop relationships with radio. By
1998, Music America has grown into the 3rd largest independent
music promotion company in the nation. In 1999, Steve & I
bought a small AM radio station in KC & flipped it to Hispanic
format & became the first 24 hour a day Hispanic station in
2002 we began building our 18 court sand volleyball complex here
in Shawnee, KS and during this year, we had over 2000 teams playing
in leagues. Somehow it has all worked out as I've been blessed
with a good partner with all endeavors since 1982 & a beautiful
wife of 40 plus years. It's been a great life!!!!