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Bob Raleigh (Rolle Ferreira) - 06/24/64

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Listen To This WPGC Aircheck


'The Singin', Swingin' Sound in Greater Washington'

No fewer than six different Air Personalities used the 'Bob Raleigh' moniker during the '60's & '70's at WPGC. But Rolle Ferreira was the first, arriving at the station in March of 1963 from West Palm Beach, Florida. His tenure lasted only about a year until he left the station sometime in 1964 over a pay dispute with General Manager, Bob Howard, who quickly hired another 'Bob Raleigh' despite the fact that Rolle Ferrar continued to the pseudonym at WWDC as the 'Real' 'Bob Raleigh'!

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this aircheck is the complete and total absence of any Beatles tuneage at the height of Beatlemania in June 1964!! In fact, the closest thing to any evidence of the British Invasion is an artist ID by Peter & Gordon!

Instead, a shockingly Middle Of the Road sounding show is heard with the likes of Tony Bennett and Arthur Fiedler & the Boston Pops!! Ever wonder why DJs don't select their own music anymore? To avoid night & day differences in the sound of the station from one daypart to the next (bear in mind that at the time of this tape, school was out for the Summer and plenty of teens were available to listen in middays - and probably were - to WWDC & WEAM who offered a virtual non-stop diet of Fab Four platters).

That's Rolle on a recorded spot for Guys & Dolls Billiards as well as the live commercial for Mount Vernon Dodge ('Get a Dodge Dart for $1859!'). Speaking of cars, listen for Clue #15 in a 'Win the Good Guys Car' promo featuring an unknown air talent.

His bit on morning man, Harv Moore being from Michigan was merely one of comedic license; Harv was actually from New Paltz, New York and had come to WPGC by way of Lexington, Kentucky. He and Rolle both started at WPGC on the same day in 1963 and became fast friends. In fact, Rolle is Godfather to Harv's now adult son.

Speaking of Harv, listen for a mention of his 'Over 30 Club' with a typewriter up for grabs as a prize. In an era when stations seemingly could be all things to all people, or at least tried to be, the appeal to both teenagers and adults alike is very much evident in this tape. The great irony of course is that the teenagers of the '60's who grew up with WPGC-AM would so willingly migrate over as Adults a decade later in the '70's to WPGC-FM.

The station was billing itself as 'The Big PG' at the time of this tape. Jingles are from PAMS but for one home grown cut for 'The Tiger', produced the year before by former morning man, Jerry G who by this time was doing nights at KYW in Cleveland. And for the public service minded, the open and close of a Sound Off is heard with a whopping weekly prize of $10!!


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